To make it seem even more authentic, some stores have put must read information on their tickets, stating clearly that customers need to purchase the tickets with their own money and show appropriate bank asset proof. 为了让船票看起来更加真实可信,一些商铺还把必读信息打印在船票上,上面清楚地说着,客户需要用自己的钱购买船票,并且出示适当的银行资产证明。
Because money is generally accepted as payment for may purchase, a baker who sells bread for money can use the money to buy meat or anything else he wants. 因为钱是一般人都能接受的一种购买任何商品的支付手段,所以一个卖面包的,卖了面包得到了钱,就可以用钱去买肉或者去买他所想买的任何别的东西。
Often, we are faced with wanting to buy material goods. I recommend you consider carefully what you purchase, and think more about spending your money on experiences with friends and family. 犯购物欲的时候,建议你三思而后行,想想这些钱可以花在朋友和家人上的。
It would be less expensive to buy a screen of the same size in 1080p. But large-screen TVs are a long-term purchase and represent great value for money. 同样尺寸的1080p电视机更加便宜,但大屏幕电视机是一笔长期投资,物有所值。
While making a purchase online, be cautious with your money and credit card numbers. 当你去网络上购物时,要注意现金及信用卡的安全。
Pay to the Agent a commission equivalent to one per cent ( 1%) of the purchase money ( subject to a minimum charge of HK$ 10,000.00) in cash or by cashier order or cheque. 以现金或银行本票或支票缴付购买价百分之壹(最低收费为港币壹万元正)作为佣金予代理人。
Through the game, I have the general idea of how to purchase securities, how to earn money by building and renting a house. 通过这个游戏,我大致知道了如何购买有价证券,如何通过建筑和租赁房屋去挣钱。
The part of the financial markets that purchase and sell securities for money management purposes, rather than for underwriting purposes. 在金融市场上以资金管理而非包销为目标的一方。
Rarely are either the best value, and it's only when you learn to purchase good value that you have money left over to invest for your future. 最贵的或者最便宜的都不是最划算的,只有当你学会买那些物美价廉的东西,你才可能有钱为未来投资。
It has already, in effect, lowered short-term interest rates to zero, and carried out two rounds of quantitative easing ( QE), the purchase of government bonds with newly printed money. 事实上,它已经把短期利率调到零,而且已经通过用新发行的货币购买政府债券,推出了两轮量化宽松货币政策(QE)。
JUST THINK and consider that the price for the things that you purchase is far greater than the amount of money you are spending. 试想和细想那些你所购买的那些东西,你所付出的金额远不止标价那么简单。
He or she has already made a purchase and you have their money, so make sure your response is timely and respectful. 他们买了东西,而你取得了钱,因而要确保你的回复是即时的,带有敬意的。
The relevant bank shall pay by transfer account, in accordance with the stipulations of the house purchase contract, the money in the certificate of deposit for purchase of house to the seller of the commodity residential house. 有关银行应当按照购房合同的约定,将购房存款单的款额转帐支付给商品住宅出售单位。
The foreign exchange current account of a real restate development enterprise shall not keep any house purchase money of any domestic branch or representative office remitted from abroad. 在境内工作、学习时间超过一年的境外个人,可购买符合实际需要的自住商品房,并按以下规定办理。
Others saw the film as a terrifying commentary on the American tendency to Purchase success with obscene amounts of money. 另一些人把这部电影看做是美国人喜欢花费大量金钱以获取成功的惊人写照。
Mortgage is the way to pay a purchase in several equal amount of money within a certain period. 按揭是指在指定时间内支付一笔数额比较庞大的金额。一般来说,都要支付额外的利息。
The owner of the house made it a condition of the sale that one half the purchase money should be paid down. 房产卖房的条件上必须先付一半款项。
Result: The purchase sum of money and total DDDs of the Ginkgo Preparations were increasing yearly. 结果:2002-2004年银杏制剂购药金额及总DDDs均呈逐年上升趋势。
Analysis on the Purchase Money Problem of Information Goods on Net 互联网上信息商品的定价问题分析
Method: Ginkgo Preparations used in 24 hospitals of Wuhan during the period 2002~ 2004 were statistically analyzed in respect to the purchase sum of money, DDDs and daily cost. 方法:对武汉市24家医院2002-2004年购入的银杏制剂金额、用药频度及日均费用进行统计分析。
Now automobile consumption of our country is changing from seller's market to buyer's market and from public money purchase to private money purchase. 目前我国汽车消费正由卖方市场向买方市场,以公款购车为主体向以私人购车为主体转变。
The basic requirement of the transition rules is that in order to retain the purchase money status, and security interest must be a "pure" PMSI. 转变规则的基本要求是要想一直保有购买价金身份,担保权必须是一个纯的PMSI。
In traditional concept, the purchase is to use money to buy something; the purpose of purchasing is to use the least to buy the best goods. 在传统思维里,采购就是拿钱买东西,其目的就是以最少的钱买到最好的商品。
It is called reservation of ownership in civil law, but it is called purchase money security transaction in the United States Uniform Commercial Code. The reason is that they hold different concept. 在大陆法系被称为所有权保留买卖的交易形式在美国《统一商法典》中却称为购买价金担保交易,究其原因,在于所持理念的不同。
The continued existence of purchase money security interest means that whether the status of purchase money security interest is effected by the change of collateral and obligation and cross guarantee. 购买价金担保权的存续问题是指在担保物、所担保之债务发生变化或发生交义担保时,对债权人的购买价金身份是否产生影响的问题。
The publicity of purchase money security interest is the requirement of gaining the validity of against the third person. 购买价金担保权的公示是其获得对抗所有第三人效力的条件。
The origin of purchase money security interest is closely related to the recognition of after acquired property clause in the floating charge. 购买价金担保权的产生与法律对浮动抵押中嗣后所得财产条款效力的承认息息相关。
Due to the special nature of the construction and collateral of purchase money security interest, publicity methods are the registration and automatic publicity. 由于购买价金担保权构造和担保物上的特殊性,适用于购买价金担保权的公示方法有二,分别是登记公示和自动公示。